Violet Flame - Spiritual knowledge

Light of the Supreme Soul - life energy

Read the text without hurry.

Let the message contained on this website will be Your meditation.

Let me take you today to worlds

which you do not touch with your hand,

nor does permeate by the ordinary mind.


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Let the music will help you enter Your mind on a harmonious wave.

Slow down... czytaj więcej...

Dusza jest światłem, Światło Ducha

Truth is always clear and simple. Always!



Who am I?

 Am I body?
Of course not. Readers of Violet Flame know this for sure.

Do I have the soul?
No, this way of thinking is wrong and misleading.
I am the soul!
I am a non-material energy living in the physical body… In this respect body is my clothing my cosmic... czytaj więcej...

Divine matrix
It is quiet... It has been so quiet for several days though I am constantly surrounded by many people. This silence originated in my mind. It is refreshing, clear and extremely pleasant. Never before have I experienced longer or deeper focus of my mind like this. No thoughts or impressions can flow outside. I feel well with myself. It is a greatly calming, powerful and... wonderful state which is... czytaj więcej...
Fiolet Flame Wave


On 21 June 2010, on the day of the summer solstice, about 40 volunteers from all over Poland gathered near Borne Sulinowo in Western Pomerania, in order to create a unique energy installation - a portal to the Source of Divine Love, Knowledge and Infinite Energy. The purpose of the stone and crystal structure is to root on our planet the vibration of the Great... czytaj więcej...

Violet Flame, Purple Flame

The Violet Flame is one of the Divine Rays penetrating the darkness which envelops our planet. The world in which we now live is very effectively separated from free flow of those rays (see the Field of Life, link). The intensity of their penetration depends in this configuration primarily on how much from their illuminating power will be attracted and transformed by the... czytaj więcej...

Conscious eating, wegetarianism, veganism, animal's rights

Why is it so important?

“What you eat it is how you think”. This old, wise adage should be the guiding principle of those who want to live consciously. To live consciously is to know what and how influences me. To live consciously means to realise the consequences of what I do and how the results of my actions can enrich or limit my life.

I spent my youth on intensive spiritual practice... czytaj więcej...

Mother Earth

Is it not beautiful?

A long time ago, in the times when the Earth was a gem of light, I was one of its designers and guardians of the Field of Life surrounding the planet. Those were the beginnings of civilisation. The Earth was inhabited by a very small population of beings, which we would perhaps call from our perspective Gods or Goddesses. Hardly anybody remembers the paradise. When I... czytaj więcej...

The world whence I came

My home.

A world of limitless light.

A world to which I will return after completing my task on Earth.

It is also your home.

I invite you there.


Field of life - Divine Matrix

In the mythology of ancient Greeks, the weaving of threads of life was the job of goddesses called Moiras. I had the opportunity to encounter in this life a person who belonged to the caste of the weavers of reality before their birth. I also was given a chance of entering that level of the spiritual world, where that reality exists solely as luminous threads. It happened to me many years ago... czytaj więcej...

Dzieci indygo i kryształowe

The arrival of every new spiritual being on the planet Earth is an unique phenomenon. It is accompanied by a whole range of processes, the deep interrelations of which we are very rarely aware.

Let us begin from the basic joining of the Spirit with the material plane, which is the assuming of a body. Beings arriving directly from spiritual realms are a form of pure energy, and as such do... czytaj więcej...

Violet Flame - spiritual knowledge


The call of the stone circle
I call upon you, my Stellar Brothers. I...

Violet Flame

Violet Flame, Purple Flame
ABOUT THE FIOLET FLAME The Violet Flame is one...
Fiolet Flame Wave
VIOLET FLAME CIRCLE On 21 June 2010, on...

Light of The Spirit

The world whence I came My home. A world of...
Dusza jest światłem, Światło Ducha
Truth is always clear and simple. Always...
Light of the Supreme Soul - life energy

Health, conscious eating

Conscious eating, wegetarianism, veganism, animal's rights
Why is it so important? “What you eat it...

Children of new era

Dzieci indygo i kryształowe
The arrival of every new spiritual being on...

Hidden reality

Field of life - Divine Matrix
In the mythology of ancient Greeks, the...
Divine matrix
It is quiet... It has been so quiet for several...

Prehistory, Atlantis, Egypt, pyramids

Mother Earth
Is it not beautiful? A long time ago, in...


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